How does it feel on a supersonic flight? Descriptions of breaking the sound barrier are rife with hair-raising myths and legends that promise an exhilarating sense of speed. But if truth be told, the experience is barely noticeable — even in a fighter jet.
Read on to learn about the supersonic flight experience and the effects that passengers can expect when flying Overture, the world’s fastest airliner–optimized for speed, safety, and sustainability.
Breaking barriers
Without instruments to indicate an aircraft has exceeded Mach 1.0, the speed of sound, most pilots and passengers won’t recognize the exact moment their aircraft transitions to supersonic speed. In fact, passengers on Concorde may not have known they broke the sound barrier at the very instant it happened.
Lourdes Maurice, a retired FAA expert and advisor to Boom, flew Concorde in 1998 from New York to London. Maurice traveled with her late husband and eight-year-old son to celebrate the completion of her PhD in mechanical engineering. “Flying on the Concorde was an awe-inspiring experience, but without the display to indicate that we were flying supersonically, I wouldn’t have known it,” recalls Maurice. “Climbing to 60,000 feet was incredibly smooth. There was no turbulence. We knew we were flying supersonically, but our bodies didn’t give us any signs.”
One of the factors in flying in commercial aircraft designed to fly supersonically, like the Concorde, is that there are no sudden changes that indicate speed is changing. It’s difficult to sense movement. At cruising altitude, there is no sensation of speed because there is no reference. You don’t see landmarks on the ground that enable you to recognize your speed.
The higher the climb, the thinner the air
This fact doesn’t solely apply to mountain climbers; it has implications for all aircraft. At higher altitudes, thinner air means less resistance for the aircraft and a smoother ride.
Today, most commercial airliners cruise between 33,000 and 42,000 feet. While flying at a max speed at 60,000 feet — Overture’s cruising altitude — the air outside the aircraft will be extremely thin. This results in little to no turbulence.
The transonic regime
Commercial airline passengers often come close to supersonic speed without knowing it. This occurs when aircraft travel in the lower spectrum of the transonic regime, which starts at Mach .80, though no commercial aircraft in operation today exceeds Mach 1. Instead, they can achieve transonic speeds, including the Boeing 747–8I (cruising speed of Mach 0.86) and Airbus 380 (cruising speed of Mach 0.85). Private jets also fly in the transonic regime: the Cessna Citation X+ has a maximum speed of Mach 0.935 and the Dassault Falcon 7X can reach Mach 0.90.
While these speeds are impressive, they won’t shave much time off a journey. The Boeing 737–800 — flown by Alaska, Delta, and United Airlines — cruises at Mach 0.785. Its faster counterparts, which reach cruising speeds ranging from Mach 0.80 to Mach 0.90, may arrive at a destination about 10 minutes faster.
Weather and wind, as opposed to maximum aircraft speed, can offer a “boost” to beat the clock. Tailwinds (the jet stream) can accelerate an aircraft’s speed traveling east over the Atlantic or east over the North Pacific Ocean during the winter months. In fact, commercial aircraft used the jet stream to set new records for subsonic transatlantic crossings during a winter storm in February 2019. A Virgin Atlantic flight from Los Angeles to London reached ground speeds of up to 801 mph — faster than Mach 1. But it wasn’t flying supersonically. It was swept along in the fast-moving air, which clocked in at 231 mph.
Does it feel like a roller coaster ride?
Thankfully, supersonic flight isn’t the roller coaster ride we might imagine. Speed alone doesn’t create the Top Gun moments known as pulling Gs or G forces.
Pulling Gs is the physical effect of a sudden change in velocity. While gravitational force remains constant, the incremental acceleration felt is due to a sudden change in direction or abrupt turn. Pilots describe it as the sensation of the body being pulled into the bottom of the aircraft: stressed muscles, dizziness and a sense of being weighed down — a feeling of otherworldliness. Pulling Gs is a matter of acceleration (positive or negative), direction, and the duration of time that G forces are experienced. It can lead to loss of consciousness or “tunneling out” when blood pools in the legs. That’s known as a G-LOC (G-induced loss of consciousness).
Aerobatic aircraft maneuvers are a good example of G forces: think swoops, circles, and turns. On a roller coaster ride, you will feel G forces. But, it’s unlikely that it will be anything more than a thrill. Roller coasters are designed to delight, and the G forces they generate are tolerated by most people. You might even feel a second of pulling Gs when an elevator “dips” before reaching the correct floor.
Apart from a moment or two during takeoff, it’s unlikely that commercial airline passengers will feel significant G forces because aircraft maintain a steady speed and direction.
Expect smooth sailing
In commercial aircraft, speed transitions are rarely noticed. In supersonic aircraft, passengers who drift off to sleep might be surprised to wake up and learn they’re traveling at Mach 1.7.
Imagine flying on Overture at 60,000 feet above the earth, experiencing zero turbulence. The only sign that you have surpassed the speed of sound is a cabin that indicates Overture’s speed. Out your window is a stunning view of the curvature of the earth: a view usually reserved for astronauts… That’s the supersonic flight experience.
The Overture experience
Boom is combining rigorous passenger research with iterative design development to ensure we deliver an onboard experience that maximizes value to our airlines and is beloved by their passengers. Overture will fly above other commercial aircraft at an altitude of up to 60,000 feet. That’s high enough to see the curvature of the earth below.
Whether tranquility or productivity is the desired experience, Overture caters to what travelers are seeking, while embracing the reduced flight time that supersonic brings. We’re putting our passengers and their needs at the center of our cabin design program. It’s all informed by passenger research and supersonic demand.
A 2022 study with global premium passengers shows that interest in sustainable supersonic air travel is sky high, driven by faster flight times. Imagine Honolulu to Tokyo in 4:10 instead of 8:25 hours. Driving that interest is the belief that a supersonic future is not far off. Passengers will go to great lengths to access faster travel. 87% say they’d switch from their preferred airline to access supersonic flights.
Learn more about recent supersonic air travel research conducted with global premium travelers here. Learn more about Overture, the world’s fastest airliner–optimized for speed, safety, and sustainability here.