Jeff “Legs” Mabry is a former USAF test pilot, and graduate of the United States Naval Test Pilot School. As Boom’s Vice President of Overture and XB-1, he is responsible for leading the teams that design, build, and test Boom’s aircraft: Overture—a supersonic airliner and XB-1—a supersonic demonstrator currently in flight test. Prior to Boom, Jeff spent time as a test director on a Department of Defense (DoD) flight test program and also helped Airbus build a team from the ground up for the flight test of the Vahana unmanned aircraft. Jeff’s 21-year career in the Air Force was focused on flying and testing. He initially flew HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters as a Combat Search and Rescue Pilot and completed four deployments to Turkey and Kuwait. After test pilot school, he held the role of operations officer and commander for three Air Force units overseeing developmental flight test for many different aircraft including the HH-60G, X-47B, and RQ-4. During that time he was also an instructor for USAF Test Pilot School, flying both helicopters and airplanes with students. His last assignment before leaving the military was as the commander of a flight test support squadron with a fleet of fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.
Jeff is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and holds a Master’s Degree from Embry Riddle. He was a Command Pilot in the Air Force with over 2,500 hours in 33 aircraft types. Jeff currently holds FAA commercial and instrument ratings for multiengine land and rotorcraft-helicopter.