Boom’s Overture Superfactory Moves Toward Production

Construction on the final assembly line is underway and on track for completion in 2024

In 2022, Boom announced the Overture Superfactory at the Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina. In January 2023, construction began on the Overture Superfactory, an important milestone as Overture advances toward production. Since then, the facility has started to take shape as the process of pouring the foundation and erecting the steel trusses and beams that will serve as the backbone of the structure has begun. 

Boom is building the campus in sections, focusing first on the final assembly line, which is roughly 150,000 square feet with an additional 24,000 square feet of office space. 

Boom provided a first look at the progress being made during this year’s Paris Air Show, along with significant Overture program advances and naming key tier-one structure suppliers for Overture’s wing, fuselage, and empennage: Aernnova, Leonardo, and Aciturri, respectively. 

“The first assembly line here at the Superfactory campus is designed to produce up to 33 aircraft per year. And we have plans on this campus for a second assembly line, which will allow us to double production to a rate of 66 aircraft per year. Construction as we sit here today is well underway, and it’s on track to be complete in the middle of next year,” said Blake Scholl at the Paris Air Show press conference.

Boom continues to be excited about the decision to locate the Superfactory in North Carolina—specifically, the Piedmont Triad. North Carolina emerged as the best possible location for several reasons:

  • A large, skilled talent pool, including U.S. military veterans
  • Access to good universities, community colleges, and technical schools
  • Proximity to the Eastern seaboard, which allows for supersonic flight testing over water
  • Proximity to several top-tier aerospace suppliers
  • The state’s distinguished history of aerospace innovation, starting with the Wright Brothers

“Boom is on the leading edge of returning supersonic commercial passenger service, and such innovative, imaginative aerospace companies that will define the next century of aviation are precisely the type of partner we want on the airport,” said Kevin Baker, Executive Director of Piedmont Triad International Airport.

A pillar of sustainability

The LEED Certified and energy efficient Overture Superfactory will play an integral role in Boom’s path to net zero carbon by 2025, which is outlined in its most recent Environmental Sustainability Report. 

Sustainability is at the core of Boom’s work, as it is for our construction partner, BE&K Building Group. The Overture Superfactory is projected to be at least 40% more energy efficient than similar facilities, which we can accomplish with high-efficiency heating and air conditioning, LED lighting, and improved insulation.

We are also evaluating other innovative sustainability measures such as onsite carbon sequestration and zero-waste products.

Boom plans to use 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to power Overture’s flight test program. To accomplish this, Boom has partnered with AIR COMPANY and Dimensional Energy to secure a combined 10 million gallons of SAF annually.  

AIR COMPANY’s AIRMADE™ SAF, a carbon-neutral jet fuel made from CO2, turns the planet’s most abundant pollutant into a never-ending resource by transforming captured CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel.

Dimensional Energy is a leader in a Power-to-Liquid SAF technology that produces carbon neutral fuels by recycling carbon dioxide.

These partnerships are the latest milestones in Boom’s path to sustainable, supersonic flight.


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